Powered Parachute Phone: (708) 924-9277

Rotor Zen is now offering flight training in powered parachute. Earn your FAA pilot’s license in powered parachutes for a fraction of the time and cost that it would take learning in an airplane. All time can be logged towards experience in other ratings. Learning to fly in an open cockpit powered parachute is exciting and fun- that’s what flying is meant to be. Get your FAA SPORT PILOT LICENSE in as little as 12 hours of flight time!
All instruction takes place at Lansing airport, Lansing, IL.
Introduction Flight: $199.00
Intro-flights include approximately 30 minutes of flight and 60 minutes of
instructor time. Only available on Friday evenings, Saturday mornings,Saturday
evenings, and Sunday mornings.
2 Hour Flight Lesson Along Chicago's Coast: $499.00 per person
Flight Training Session: $375.00 per session. Morning or evening, one on one instruction. Available by appointment.
Sport pilot powered parachute ground school: $325.00
(Includes all the ground school needed to complete the sport pilot rating.)
· Flights are limited to light wind conditions. These limitations are similar to a hot air ballon.
· Most flights are scheduled in the morning or evening to take advantage of the calm winds.
· Flights typically are not flown during the noon hours due to stronger winds and updrafts.
All instruction takes place at Lansing airport, Lansing, IL.
Introduction Flight: $199.00
Intro-flights include approximately 30 minutes of flight and 60 minutes of
instructor time. Only available on Friday evenings, Saturday mornings,Saturday
evenings, and Sunday mornings.
2 Hour Flight Lesson Along Chicago's Coast: $499.00 per person
Flight Training Session: $375.00 per session. Morning or evening, one on one instruction. Available by appointment.
Sport pilot powered parachute ground school: $325.00
(Includes all the ground school needed to complete the sport pilot rating.)
· Flights are limited to light wind conditions. These limitations are similar to a hot air ballon.
· Most flights are scheduled in the morning or evening to take advantage of the calm winds.
· Flights typically are not flown during the noon hours due to stronger winds and updrafts.